
Suggest to delete a new account. Add a new account that is not yet on the app and site! Let’s find and add these social media accounts or apps. When you want a new account added, we can create a description and deletion links for that account. You can only add your new account deletion requests to this page and comments fields.

Add new account suggestion

Typing just one account name is often not enough. You can write as much detail as possible so that we can quickly publish account information for those who come after you. Include this information if possible:

Application Name
Internet address
Logo link
Account deletion link on the site
Account deletion steps in the app

77 thoughts on “Add”

  1. Please how is the transaction mtcn number and bank account

    • Add the Mass Media app also where you watch videos to earn money, i want to delete my account because they have my bank account info, I’m scared they might take money from my account without me knowing.

  2. Hi i want to delete this account pls help me to delete this


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