Delete PokemonGo Account

What is Pokemon Go?

Pokémon GO is an augmented reality game based on iOS and Android, developed by Niantic and published by The Pokémon Company. Pokémon GO has been downloaded over 850 million times.

Pokemon Go Features

  • This app is free but offers in-game purchases.
  • Works with Android devices with 2GB RAM or more and Android Version 4.4–7.0+
  • Compatibility is not guaranteed for non-GPS enabled devices or devices connected only to Wi-Fi networks. So the application may not work properly.
  • Compatibility problems may occur with tablet devices. It is said to be optimized for phones only.
  • Even if compatible OS versions are installed, the application may not work on some devices. Unfortunately it doesn’t work on every device.
  • It is recommended to play while connected to a network to get accurate location information. They recommend using it with an internet connection.

PokemonGo Account Deletion

To delete your account, you must write a message to the developers.

Complete this form. In the Issue Category, select “Delete My Account“.

Write in the description section that you want to delete your account.

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