What is Skype?
Skype – Free IM and call messaging application. You can make instant messages, audio or video calls. You can use Skype to send SMS messages to mobile phones around the world.
How to Delete a Skype Account
It is not possible to completely delete a Skype account. If you no longer want to use your account, you can remove all of your personal information from the Skype database and make it impossible for other users to find your account.
“If you create an account on the Skype application using only a phone number, the account you create will be a Microsoft account. When this Microsoft account is closed, the Skype account is also permanently closed. It is not necessary to add an email to close the Microsoft account created using only the phone number, but you must have access to at least one of the account’s security information.” Answers.microsoft.com.tr
Delete my account