
Social Media Help

If you need help with social media account operations, you can ask us. We’ve included a list to help you quickly find answers to the most frequently asked questions. Need account deletion or account recovery? Add a detailed description of the problem without adding your personal information in the comment field. We or other users may respond to you.

Social Account Help

In this area, you can find social media account recovery, password operations and support topics.

Account recovery

Facebook Account recovery

Instagram account recovery

My Facebook account is hacked

I forgot my password!

I forgot my e-mail address!

Delete social media accounts

My phone number has changed, I can’t find it.

I forgot my Facebook password! Facebook Help

I forgot my Instagram password! Instagram Help

I do not remember my password! Password reminder tactics

“They broke my password and stole my account” Create Super Password

Ask for Help and Solve the Problem

Write about the problem you are experiencing and we will try to research and find a solution for you. Other users can reply. Let’s add the answer we found to the field you asked in the comment. If there is a solution to the problem, we will definitely write an answer. You may have to wait a while to get an answer. Try searching our site to search for previously asked topics.

If you cannot find an answer on the relevant site, search for the problem by typing into Google. Someone might have had the same issue before.

If your account is hacked, never seek help from people you don’t know. Do not give out your personal information and passwords. So the situation can be resolved before it gets worse. Be patient and careful. Ask a question Sites like ours are there to help you.

Sometimes the problem is temporary and take care of other things for a while. If possible, seek advice from someone knowledgeable and familiar with social media.

For emergencies, be sure to visit the help page of the relevant site or application. The support team is ready to assist you.

As we are focused on the subject, we strictly monitor external information and messages. Please do not include your personal (Phone number and email) information in the comments.

We thank you.

61 thoughts on “Help”

  1. I Have an old Facebook account but I’ve forgotten all the login details. How do I delete the account because it’s no longer in use.

    • Email or phone number is required to open Facebook.

      Open the login page.

      1. Type your old and new mobile phone numbers and old and new e-mail addresses where it says mobile phone number and e-mail and press enter.

      2. Then tap where it says forgot password.

      You can find your user account as a result of these attempts.

      Once you find it, you can get the password reset link or code to your mobile number or email address.

  2. My Facebook account is dormant
    I don’t have access to my Facebook account

  3. How can I delete another email account on my phone

  4. “Hello Kak
    Selamat Siang menjelang sore!
    Saya ingin mendapatkan Pasword(Pin) atau Kata Sandi Akun AstraPay yang sudah saya daftarkan di AstraPay,sebelumnya saya ingat sandinya terus terus pada saat sekarang ini saya tidak ingat lagi,kemudian saya juga alias lupa haha,tidak ingat dengan akun yang mana saya daftar kemaren,tapi untuk no hp masih ingat Kak,mohon solusinya Kak,

    • Hello, you can reach them from the AstraPay Help page. It is normal to forget your password. AstraPay support team can help you recover your account.

      If you don’t mind creating a new account and continuing, you can open a new account. If possible, you can delete your old account yourself. If not possible, you can ask the help team to delete your account whose password you forgot.

      If you are interested in password reminder tricks, we recommend that you read an article we prepared earlier.

      Password Reminder Tactics

      If you don’t want to deal with saving and remembering passwords. You can use the Google Chome browser for free to save your passwords.

      Google Chrome Save Password

  5. How to delete an old facebook and IG account that you don’t use anymore?

  6. I want to delete my account permanently from jeevan but I am uninstall jeevan so how can I delete my account

  7. I logged in my Gmail account to another device and the person is now able to access my documents on the Gmail account

  8. I have more than 3 account on Facebook want to delete all of them plz help

  9. I need to be able to game on Golden Nugget app in Michigan, they cannot locate me in the state of Michigan, I am here, but geolocation not working

    • Hello, you need to report geolocation issues on the app or site from the website and apps. There seems to be a technical problem. Please explain the situation to them in detail so that they can solve the problem more easily.

    • Boa tarde! Estou tentando excluir uma conta minha no flirtmoms e não consigo, até porque no app não encontrei a opção deletar, excluir conta… Já pesquisei bastante sobre o assunto e nada de obter uma resposta concreta.

    • Olá, alguns aplicativos podem não ser capazes de excluir. Mas você ainda precisa enviar um e-mail para eles. Peça-lhes para deletar sua conta em sua mensagem. 🙂👍

    • Help me to delete my play store account

    • I want to delete my old instagram account but i forgot my email address n my password. I changed my number too

    • Hello,
      Sorry I don’t mean to comment on your post bit I couldn’t find the spot to ask a question. My Facebook account was hacked. I had someone that hacked a friends account and my account was still from 2008 so a guy I used to work with messaged asking me for a code he had sent because he was locked out. I remember being able to add like 5 people that could help you get into your account if you were locked out of it. It was also the 1 year deathversary of my fiance from him committing suicide from untreated PTSD from being in the military so my mind wasn’t all there and as soon as I gave him the code my brain clicked and I hit no it wasnt me on every email I received. I went on the support site and messaged everyway you can think of and since he changed my phone number email and password they kept saying they couldn’t find my account then when me and all my friends were reporting it I kept getting replies from them saying that they aren’t going against community standards but I have screenshots of him telling me he will give me my account back for gift cards and of him asking my friends for $5,000 he has kept my Facebook the same and logs in everyday. That’s the only thing I have left of his and my memories together or I can go to his wall and tell him I miss him just things that matter right now. Also the only pictures I have of my mom who passed in 2008 it wouldn’t be an issue if my house wasn’t robbed a few years ago of everything in it and Chris saved me from an ex that almost killed me. And I have made 2 new Facebook in the 3 weeks I waited almost 2 weeks I can’t post comment like share or join any groups I can message and that’s it and there isn’t any restrictions on my account but tells me there is when I try to share and doesn’t give me an amount of time that I’m in Facebook jail. Please help if you can sorry fir the long post.

    • I’m sorry to hear what happened to you. You can get support from Facebook for your problem and get rid of this problem.

      First of all, you need to do what we call Facebook account recovery.

      All steps can only be done from the official Facebook page and the official Facebook app. No one can recover your Facebook account.

      So just get information but don’t take any action other than the official Facebook page. You must post your ID and photo to #Facebook.

      Facebook asks you for information to determine who owns the account. So Facebook can give your account to you.

      You’ll find all the details on the official Facebook page below. If you need help, don’t hesitate to ask.

      For hacked:

      For post id:

      And more info:
      Facebook account recovery:
      Facebook Account Recovery

  10. I have more than one Facebook account.i would like to delete five out of six for example.

    • Hello, it is very easy to delete your facebook accounts. If you are sure, open this page: Delete Facebook Account
      Get some information from the page that opens. At the bottom of the page that opens, access a special link that directs you to delete a facebook account. You will need a password and username or phone number to log in to your account. You can delete each of your accounts completely by following these steps.

    • Turn off the phone to immediately get rid of every app you don’t want to use Hello. It was a joke 🙂

      If you don’t want to use an app, uninstall it from your device. This will instantly relax you.

      * If you want to reinstall the app, just install it and continue where you left off. Deactivating an account is also a temporary but inconvenient way. Deleting an account completely removes all information and efforts. The choice is yours.

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