Delete Me From The Internet

Delete me from the internet Beni İnternetten Sil

Welcome to Delete Me From The Internet. If you have decided to delete your history from the Internet, you are in the right place. We will quickly explain the ways and reasons to delete your accounts. Why would anyone want to delete themselves from the Internet Here are a few reasons to take yourself offline. … Read more

Is Social Media a Disease?

Is Social Media a Disease? Sosyal Medya Hastalık mı?

Social media is not a disease But there are some things that can make us perceive it as a disease. The first thing that comes to mind is probably the excessive use of social media. This alone can be considered sufficient. So what makes social media objectionable? If you have time, you can read tweets … Read more

How to Get Rid of Your Social Media?

How do we get rid of social media? Sosyal Medyadan Nasıl Kurtuluruz?

If you are tired of social media,And if you need some silenceOr if you decide to live in a chalet,this article is for you. We have prepared interesting tactics that can help you get rid of social media. Social media dodging tactic Delete your social media accounts immediately! Our website helps you to get rid … Read more