
You can easily delete your social media accounts with social account deletion links. But there are some information you should know before deleting your accounts. We explain them with recommendations.

Start Delete An Account Delete social account

Account Deletions

  1. Deleting your accounts with account deletion links.
  2. Disable accounts with deactivation links.
  3. Email the support team from the app or their website.
  4. You may need to go to the App or Site and fill out a claim form.

Please report any incorrect or missing information to us.

What are we doing?

We provide account deletion links on our website and applications.

  • We do not delete your accounts.
  • You can only delete an account yourself.
  • We support the visitors of our website to solve the problems they experience in their social accounts. Support

Save time by visiting our pre-made social account problems and solutions section for social account issues. Ask on our site by clicking the Need Help button below. Need Help?

Before deleting a social account!

Some social networks can be easily deleted. It will delete your account and you will never look back. Unfortunately, some sites and apps do not offer permanent account deletion. Examples of sites and applications that can be completely deleted are Instagram and Facebook. Of course, you can find more details about what is not deleted if you review their privacy policy.

  • Some accounts can never be recovered after deletion!
  • Instead of completely deleting an account, you might consider deactivating it.
  • If it does, uninstall its app from your device and focus on the other good stuff.

If you are not satisfied with a social account, you may want to delete your account. You are completely free.

* But please do not rush.

* Think well. And be careful. Give yourself a few days to a few months to delete.

* If there is a problem with the account, it will not cause any further problems as your account has not been deleted yet.

Web browser when deleting account!

Make sure you are using a secure device and web browser. This reduces the risk of your account being stolen.

  • Please login to the correct website. See if the site’s web address starts with https: to see if it’s the official site. To be sure, go to the official site and check the web address as well.
  • Carefully follow account deletions. Incomplete and incorrect operations may create other problems in the future. If you don’t delete your account, it will stay there. If you purchased a subscription, it can still charge your account.
  • It is best to delete it without someone else’s help. When deleting an account, you are entirely responsible for yourself. Continue as a volunteer.

Social account deletion suggestions

You can start by deleting the accounts suggested below.

Deleting Facebook account and Delete Twitter account or Delete Instagram account and more

Download account deletion apps

You can easily delete your social accounts by installing our Android apps.

Delete App: Download Delete App • SosyalHesapSil

Fast Delete App: Download Fast Delete App • SosyalHesapSil

41 thoughts on “Usage”

  1. How Open my Facebook account it’s befor delete facebook. com/profile.php?id=***


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